
Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Task -
Write in your own words what you think Migration is.
Next find an image that you think show migration and insert it into this document.
Explain why you think your image is a good example of migration.

What is Migration?
Migration is about when people or animals move to another country to live


I chose this picture  because it shows that wildebeests have To travel a long way to find kai  and they  move together.

water safety.

Task -
 To use Google draw to draw a picture of our swimming pool.

Task: To write our school swimming pool rules. 

Our school pool rules are:
1.walk around the school pool.
     2.we are not to dive into our school pool because  it is to shallow.
     3. Do not swim with  out a ados 
    4. Lis to the teacher when  you are in the pool

Geometry shapes.

Geometry -Bayley. Shapes and their properties.
Shape name
Shape Properties
I am a triangle
I have 3 sides
I am an octagon 
I have eight sides 
I am a circle                     
I am round
I am a hexagon
I have six sides
I am a pentagon.
I have five  sides      
I am an oval
I look like a squashed circle
I am a rhombus
I look like a diamond
I am a rectangle
I have two pairs of equal sides
I am a decagon
I have ten sides
I am a square.
I have four equal sides 

In this project I paired up cads to make a table of Geometry shapes.

Eye colour graph

Task - Collect data to create a graph of  the eye colours in our class.

Our class eye colour graph

Blue eyes
Hazel eyes
Brown eyes